Wednesday, May 26, 2010

a new routine...

I love how summer makes one change their schedule. I will truly miss having a summer vacation after I graduate (sad to think this is my last summer vacation!) Maybe I'll become a teacher just for the benefits of a summer vacation!! :)

Anyways... this summer is far different then I have had before. I've done summer school many times while in college but this is the first summer the classes are actually in the classroom and not just online. Thus I'm living in Norman for the summer... My schedule isn't completely set in stone but thus far this is what I've got for a normal weekday...

I wake up bright and early at 7 AM (this is if Loki lets me- lately it's been 4 or 5 AM)
..I get ready for the day and do a few chores like cleaning the litter box.. feeding Loki.. and putting dishes in the dishwasher that I just was too tired to clean the night before (it's better than not cleaning them at all!)
... I work from 830-930 at the Bizzell Library and then head over to class at 9:30..
.. I'm in class from 10-2:20 and then have to head back over to the Library for another two hours of work.
Finally at 4 I get to go home and lately have been too tired to unpack or do really anything.. I lay around the apartment and enjoy "summer vacation" and go to bed early to start the whole day over again....

But like I said this summer is very different than others I've had in the past... most summers its the exact same routine for 3 months.. not this time. After the end of this week I will have a whole month of no class but will probably take on more hours at work (or hopefully get the second job that I really wanted in the first place at my apartment complex..) So my schedule will be completely different again for a few weeks. Once in July my schedule will change AGAIN when I start my second summer school class that will last until right before school starts in August.

So much for summer vacation and sleeping till noon and staying up until 2- doing nothing but laying out in the sun and watching tv.. guess I am growing up- when can I go back to grade school!!?

Thats all for now- sorry for being absent lately I never feel like I have something to say...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Oklahoma Weather...

Well so my birthday ended up not going exactly the way I had planed for it to... Monday we had bad weather and it continued to get worse throughout the day... long story short by day break Tuesday 42 tornadoes had hit Oklahoma and Kansas. I for one am afraid of tornadoes so it was not the greatest of birthday surprises and I had to cancel my birthday dinner and reschedule it. Tuesday was still crummy weather but it stayed nice enough for me to go to BJs for dinner with some friends (mother nature knew better to mess with me twice). All and all I had a pretty good birthday- and my mom and Scott are coming in today to move me into my apartment and we'll get to celebrate again! :)

Today I "officially" move into my apartment... last night myself Lauren G and Courtney moved my dining room table into my apartment. I bought it from the all so fabulous Anna! Thank goodness it fits! Its going to be a tight squeeze but it will be fine nonetheless! Hopefully the stupid nasty rain will stop long enough to get my furniture into my apartment today at 4!

I'm ready for some sunshine and warm weather (I woke up yesterday and it was 45 degrees!!) I thought it was April SHOWERS bring May FLOWERS.... guess its May Rain brings... something in June?!

Thats all for now... I gotta get back to packing and loading my car and checking out residents...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!

Yay today is May 10th which means it's my birthday!!!!

I woke up at 6 and couldn't go back to sleep but stayed in bed till 7:30... Traci came into town last night and is spending the next two days with me which is always exciting!!

This morning was my Art History final which I studied for all weekend and felt REALLY great about! If i get a 100 (or better- she gave 6 bonus points) I will get an A in the class!!!

So the plan for today- Traci and I are planning on going to The Mont for lunch! I love their food and the atmosphere is awesome!!

photo credit The Mont

Then we're going to probably go to TJ Maxx and then go move into my apartment!!! :) Tonight I'm having a dinner at BJ's Restaurant with friends and eat the amazing pizzokie!!

So being that I am 21 I feel like I should talk about drinking.... I don't feel like I'm going to be a big drinker- I haven't been a party-goer and getting drunk just doesn't sound entertaining.. plus i have a HUGE phobia of throwing up! So anyways since I love photography I'll talk about how amazed I am by the "splashing drink" photos that restaurants put in their menus....

Photo Credit Flickr

I love the crooked glass and how the liquid is just frozen in time!

Photo Credit Flickr

The colors on this one are super pretty too!!

Well that's all for now- for everyone who's legal here is a cute little poster for you :)

Photo Credit Flickr

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Decoration Inspiration!

I love love love this idea for centerpiece decorations!! I don't know if I'd do it for a wedding but for a kids birthday party (or adult in different colors)... oh even christmas or thanksgiving!! The simplicity of paper and thread is just so modern and all of the colors bring everything to life!

Check out the how to and other great DIY projects/ wedding inspiration at!!

I'm super exhausted and in serious need of some SLEEP! I can't wait for this weekend when all I have to do is pack and sleep- oh and study so I can get a 100 on my last final..... but hey we're not going to think about that right now :)

Until next time!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Break Time!

I have been in the art building since 11ish this morning!!!! Time for a break for sure!

Today is May 1st which means many things...

First it was our College Life 5K race for Haiti Earthquake Relief! I got up bright and early at 5 AM!! Little confession- I actually am quite a morning person... it takes me about the time to get up out of bed to walk to the bathroom to fully wake up. This is probably because I'm an old fart and go to bed early all the time- blame it on my mom she is the same way and raised me the same :) so yes although I much rather sleeping till 9 AM.. 5 wasn't that terrible. Any-who... I was up at 5 AM to fill ice chests with my lovely friends Katie and Lauren for the race waters. We got up to church by 6 AM and started setting up the madness! People started showing up at 7:30 despite the slight drizzle and chance of rain later on in the morning! We had close to 200 people I'd say come and run/ walk!!! The race started at 8:30 and besides some humorous glitches throughout the morning it was a great success! Mad props to Laura Gassaway the complete MASTERMIND behind this event! I love her heart and her passion to help others who are in need! Haiti watch out because you're getting boat loads of support from College Life in Norman, Oklahoma! Gosh it is AMAZING- we just helped a country that is nearly 2 THOUSAND miles away!! Praise God for his awesomeness and allowing so many people in Norman and around the world to be able to contribute to fundraisers like Haulin for Haiti to support a country in need!!

So yes... moving on :) another thing that is exciting because it is May 1st is that my birthday is in 9 DAYS!!! Wow I have been sooo extremely busy in the past week or so that I haven't realized how soon it is! Two years ago I had a countdown going for like 3 months straight... This year is the big TWO-ONE and it is kinda surreal! I do NOT feel like i'm 21 at all! I guess because I'm not really into partying/ drinking scene that it has never been a big focus for me and since that is the big excitement for being 21 i'm not as pumped as most might be... I'm just excited because it is my birthday :) haha. One big bummer about the day though is that I have a final the morning of my birthday!! Luckily it is over by 10 AM so I'll be golden AND it is the last final I have so after that I'll be D-O-N-E! So yes the plans for the big day.... my good friend Traci is coming in from out of town to spend a few days with me! We are going to go to The Mont- this awesome local Norman restaurant that has yummy (not diet friendly) food! Then I get to go get my key for my new "big girl" apartment! We might move some of my stuff in or go shopping :) then that night a bunch of my friends and I are going out to BJ's restaurants for dinner :) I made dinner kinda early because other people are going to have finals that they need to focus on and I don't want to be a burden to them! So yes the rest of the week I will spend time with Traci and check out lovely little residents from the dorms and continue to move stuff into my apartment!

Reason 3 May is awesome... Friday, May 14th my mom and Scott are coming in to bring my "big stuff" for my apartment up!! I get to celebrate my birthday again with them and hopefully take ENGAGEMENT pictures with Scott :) his favorite! (NOT) haha poor guy hates having his picture taken and he's marrying a photographer! The rest of that weekend I'm going to just spend with them and OH YEA PICK UP MY KITTEN!!!!! yes indeedy! I adopted a precious little kitten last weekend and the shelter is holding him until I move into my apartment (because the dorms don't allow animals)

WOW there are like a billion other reasons why I'm excited for May (probably because it's my birthday month and the best month of the whole year!)

So I think that is all for now...? I need to get back to work on my serigraphy project.. this think is taking far too long but I'm soo excited with how it is turning out. I'll post pictures soon!

Till next time (which will probably be late this week because of all the crazies I've got going on..)