So Scott graduated from OU in May with a Bachelor's degree in Microbiology, and just like a lot of people in America lately finding a job right out of school proved to be a rather difficult task. He was highly qualified for many of the jobs he applied for just his luck never seemed to strike. Finally about 2 months ago he got a lead on a job with MD Anderson at their Smithville, TX location.. Long story short- HR called today and made him an offer!! I'm so excited for this great opportunity that he has been given and all the amazing blessings God has provided over the past 6 months. It's not completely clear yet when he'll be moving or starting his job, but I'm sure I'll keep everyone posted!
Also as I promised I'm going to start posting some of my recent work for everyone to see.. These are some head-shots I took a few weeks ago of my good friend Madison who is a theatre major here at OU (I only ask that he remember me when he's famous!)

Well that's all for now! Christmas break is so close I can feel it!