So here we go.. I'm going to TRY to keep up with a blog.... just so everyone knows what I'm up to outside of Facebook and what not.. I'll post some of my pictures that I've been taking as well on here :)
So yesterday was Thanksgiving! Might be one of my favorite holidays behind Christmas.. I didn't have to work over break but since my sister was taking Jack to visit Ade's family and my mom had no plans besides a crab leg dinner- I decided I'd just stay in good old Norman :)
Lucky for me my absolutely fabtabulous (yes thats a word) bible study leader Anna and her hubby Eric invited myself and Scott to come have dinner with them! They brought out all the works- turkey, potatoes, green beans, sweet potatoes, stuffing.. on and on. Let's just say we all had major food comas when we finished dinner. The rest of the evening we played Sequence and Rock Band - oh and it must be said that Anna knows how to rock it!
Today was Black Friday (dun dun dunnnn).. I've never had any desire to get up at 3 AM to stand in line for 2 hours to fight people off for a "great deal" after a day of pigging out... haha but our friends Tom and Ashley were coming down from Lawton to shop in Norman and asked if Scott and I would like to meet them for iHop at 7 AM! It's crazy how busy it was this morning! I had the new Gingerbread Pankcakes- which trust me sounds/ looks way better than it tastes!

Well thats about it for now.. I'll try to keep this up to date as much as possible.. And I'll try to post some pictures up soon of some work I'm doing!
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