Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Getting used to change..

Change is a funny thing... I don't think anyone every really likes change (at least I don't) yet for some reason once the change has happened most people stop complaining.. or find something new to complain about. For example... I hate the beginning of winter. Literally it takes everything I have to get out of my nice warm bed every morning when I read on my iPhone that its 17 degrees outside (that is while I'm in Norman- not in Houston)... But after a month or so of the winter although I long for the summer months my body has gotten used to the change of the cold air and I stop complaining about it.

A big change that has just recently occurred has you may know is that Scott moved to Texas. As excited as I am for him and his future career I can't lie- I hate the change! He got to move back to Norman for 3 months which in retrospect doesn't sound like a long time however it felt like a long time while he was here. I quickly took for granted being able to have face-to-face conversations with him and the option to just take a short 5 minute car ride over to his house to hang out. Now that he lives 8 hours away I'm dreading the change. Skype is helpful but never the same as face-to-face conversation. This isn't the first time Scott and I have done long distance so I know that we'll be just fine going through it and that I'll get used to not having him around all the time, but it still stinks to have your best friend so far away.

Well enough of my sob stories... Here is some work that I recently did of an previous co-worker's family. I think we decided to take pictures on the coldest day yet of the season and the wind was blowing like crazy! Luckily they were all troopers and I'm really glad she asked me to take their photos!!

Thanks for stopping by!! Pray for me and my studying for finals this week.. I've got so much left to do and only a week left to do it in! Soon it will be Christmas and I'll get to be home with my family and Scott!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Winter is here!

It has gotten very chilly up here in Norman.. it's this time of year that I realize how much I miss living in the heat of Houston. I love snow and skiing and all things winter but when it's just miserably windy and cold for no reason other to be cold I'm not a happy camper!

Classes are coming to a close for the semester.. looking back on this semester it seems like it went by super fast. I don't know if it's just a coincidence or what but I feel like this was one of my hardest semesters yet which was how it was first semester of Junior year in high school as well (actually ALL of junior year was hard). I'm exciting for several of my classes next semester and I'm just ready for a new fresh start..

Scott leaves on Monday for Bastrop to start his new job with MD Anderson! It's all so surreal.. I'm sure I'll be very sad on Monday after he leaves but more than anything I'm just so excited for him and everything that this is going to do for him and his future! Luckily he's coming to Houston to spend Christmas with my family so it won't be long before we'll get to see each other again.

Not much else is going on with me.. I'll try to post something and some pictures next week of some work I've been doing this weekend!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Exciting News and Recent Work

So Scott graduated from OU in May with a Bachelor's degree in Microbiology, and just like a lot of people in America lately finding a job right out of school proved to be a rather difficult task. He was highly qualified for many of the jobs he applied for just his luck never seemed to strike. Finally about 2 months ago he got a lead on a job with MD Anderson at their Smithville, TX location.. Long story short- HR called today and made him an offer!! I'm so excited for this great opportunity that he has been given and all the amazing blessings God has provided over the past 6 months. It's not completely clear yet when he'll be moving or starting his job, but I'm sure I'll keep everyone posted!

Also as I promised I'm going to start posting some of my recent work for everyone to see.. These are some head-shots I took a few weeks ago of my good friend Madison who is a theatre major here at OU (I only ask that he remember me when he's famous!)

Well that's all for now! Christmas break is so close I can feel it!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The first of many... hopefully.

So here we go.. I'm going to TRY to keep up with a blog.... just so everyone knows what I'm up to outside of Facebook and what not.. I'll post some of my pictures that I've been taking as well on here :)

So yesterday was Thanksgiving! Might be one of my favorite holidays behind Christmas.. I didn't have to work over break but since my sister was taking Jack to visit Ade's family and my mom had no plans besides a crab leg dinner- I decided I'd just stay in good old Norman :)

Lucky for me my absolutely fabtabulous (yes thats a word) bible study leader Anna and her hubby Eric invited myself and Scott to come have dinner with them! They brought out all the works- turkey, potatoes, green beans, sweet potatoes, stuffing.. on and on. Let's just say we all had major food comas when we finished dinner. The rest of the evening we played Sequence and Rock Band - oh and it must be said that Anna knows how to rock it!

Today was Black Friday (dun dun dunnnn).. I've never had any desire to get up at 3 AM to stand in line for 2 hours to fight people off for a "great deal" after a day of pigging out... haha but our friends Tom and Ashley were coming down from Lawton to shop in Norman and asked if Scott and I would like to meet them for iHop at 7 AM! It's crazy how busy it was this morning! I had the new Gingerbread Pankcakes- which trust me sounds/ looks way better than it tastes!

Well thats about it for now.. I'll try to keep this up to date as much as possible.. And I'll try to post some pictures up soon of some work I'm doing!