Thursday, October 7, 2010

work outs paying off

Okay so this summer myself and two dear friends, Alex and Courtney, started working out. It has been basically 3 months since we started our semi-regular routine and I'm starting to see some AMAZING results! The first thing I noticed was my arm muscles were getting more defined and less.. flabby. Then I noticed my stomach was starting to flatten out and my abs were getting more defined.. But today I feel like I've seen the most results yet! I weighed myself- just for fun today- I rarely weigh myself so don't worry its not something I'm focused on at all. after all its only a number! Anyways so I got on the scale and it says I've lost 5 POUNDS! holy moly that made my day! Then I got ready this morning and my jeans that are normally really tight around the thighs and waist fit! They are actually a little too big around the waist!

Needless to say working out REALLY DOES WORK!! haha go figure! We do a simple twice weekly work out with 10-20 minutes of cardio followed usually by about 300 total crunches (OUCH) and then we alternate between focusing on arms or legs. Only 45-60 minutes total of working out. No fad dieting either- actually I've hardly changed my diet at all- added a bit more protein because I lacked it anyways and you need protein after working out. But I still enjoy my daily sweets and I'm not afraid to get fast food or mexican whenever I crave it.

I'd like to give a big shout out to Alex for being our "trainer" throughout all of this and thank her for all of her dedication and hard work she puts into giving us a good quality work out- I never don't feel sore after one of her workouts!

So if you're trying to slim down or jump start your new years resolution to get in shape I highly suggest getting together with your friends and working out together. You don't need to spend money on a personal trainer just research online some simple workout routines. I always hate going to the gym by myself because I'm not motivated, but when I know that a group of girls is waiting for me at the gym I don't want to let them down and heck once I'm there I might as well work out right!?

Until next time..

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