Well hello there neglected blog. I am horrible at keeping you updated. I have dreams of being paid to blog yet realize that actually requires me to WRITE on my blog. Sad day. Regardless, I am here with an update.
My life is spinning out of control at a rather rapid speed and I'm not a fan at all. As I sit here on my couch I have about 500,000 things racing through my brain on what I should be doing instead. Yet here I am. Blogging.
I'm anxiously counting down the days to my wedding with Scott- 62 as of today- and we're starting to get everything wrapped up and it is all coming together so nicely! My sister and mom are throwing me a shower in a few weeks and I can't wait! Over the weekend I managed to really update our registry over at Target and concrete some of my ideas for decorating our first place! Which by the way we just signed the lease on last week!!! So I'm going to share with you all my ideas for how I plan to decorate our bedroom. It was very important to Scott that he not feel like he was sleeping in a girls room yet that a girl did actually sleep/ live there too.... not sure how I managed to decode that but somehow I did! Basically he didn't want pink and frilly which was great for me because I'm not the pink-and-frilly type!
So alas here is what we have planned!

I'm going for a high end, luxe, romantic, sassy (since we'll be the SAS's) vibe. The curtains will probably change because Scott's first reaction to seeing them was "they are see through" and apparently curtains aren't supposed to be see through. The square nightstand is mirrored and I'm deeply enamored with it- every time I see it at the store I sigh- true story! And most likely that will be my nightstand since the black one, although round and curvy, seems to be more masculine for Scott. I have a growing collection of black and white photographs, prints, paintings, and drawings that I've collected from all the different places I've been on travels and we'll be placing those on the wall opposite the bed. Along with my existing dresser and bookcase which are both large black pieces, I hope to get the vibe I'm going for and I hope that Scott enjoys the space as much as me! Added bonus is with the red I now have an excuse to have pretty flowers in a vase in the room!
What do you think!?
I can't promise to be updating anytime soon. Hopefully before the wedding...
Until next time...
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