Friday, March 26, 2010

Advising Season

I love this time of the semester.. The end of the current semester seems so close and students all start preparing for the future semester. I'm particularly lucky I think because I'm an art major and we get two whole days off of studio classes for advising! This semester those days are going to be this upcoming Wednesday and Thursday (a mini vacation for art school).

Being the super organized person that I am I have spent many hours over my college career tracking out what I have left to take and when I will take it and this semester is no different :) mainly because now that Scott and I are planning a wedding and will be getting married next summer the pressure is on for me to graduate on time! Today I went to the head of art advising- advisor and made sure I was truly on the right track and guess what... I AM :) haha

I have 33 hours left until I can graduate. I'm taking a May Intercession class, one summer school art history class, 15 hours in the fall, and then 12 hours in the spring!

I'm so relieved that I don't have to worry about what classes I have left to take and that God has provided everything I've needed to graduate in four years!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Two posts in one week... this is a new record for me :)

So my bible study leader, Anna, is AMAZING.. I'm telling you this girl can do so many absolutely creative things PLUS she has an awesome heart for God!! She has 2 blogs, Miller Time and Your Trash, My Treasure (a personal favorite where she is making it her new years resolution to only buy second hand clothes/ home goods from thrift stores and good will type stores- check it out she has some really cute clothes!!)

ANYWAYS.... so yes she is such an inspiration to me on so many levels and lately I've been in a "nesting mood" as my mom would call it... I'm getting my first apartment in May and want to decorate it really cute (it will give me some practice for when Scott and I have a place together :) hehe) and I've been looking online at places like Target and Ikea (a.k.a. furniture Heaven) as well as online at craigs list. Another inspiring thing about lil miss Anna is that almost all of her furniture in her house is off of craigs list!! AND it's not ugly!!! I seriously don't know where she is finding all of these super amazing deals at because everything I find is scary.... BUT I believe I have struck a creative gold mine that she has and I seem to lack when it comes to craigs list... for example look at this wing back chair (it is a part of a duo for $75 total) the other one is in a little worse condition but still not terrible...

I just think this is the cutest chair every... haha am I crazy? (probably) anyways if I were crafty like Anna and could make slipcovers/ know how the reupholster furniture this would be such a cool chair to do... I got online to look up some images of wing backs and here is some of the stuff I like...

Bright green print I think gives a traditional style chair that can be "stuffy" sometimes more fun and flare!

I love the simplicity of this with the black piping around the edges of the chair!

Wingback chairs as the head of the dining table?! White nonetheless!? Really creative.. but I would be scared they'd get super dirty in a kitchen!

So yes hopefully this summer when I stay in Norman I can get some tips from Anna and maybe one day I'll have the luck she does when it comes to furniture, clothes, and being awesome :)

Until next time,

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sorry I've been so bad at this....

I really am horrible at keeping up with this blog.. I wish I could be better at writing but my life just doesn't seem that interesting....

So a quick recap of the past few months....

I spent Christmas break at home in Houston with my family and Scott and it was a really good break :) I spent a ton of time with my sister and nephew Jack.. here is a picture of him from when we took him to the zoo... he's gotten so much bigger since this picture was taken- I'm sad that I don't get to see him that much.

I came back to Norman in January for part of RA training and then went on ski trip with College Life! It was a great week with old friends and new ones skiing and hanging out! Here is a picture of myself and Laura taking a break from "shredin pow" (term credit to Jeremy!) I'm so glad I got the chance to go and spend some time in the mountains :)

February was pretty calm... the biggest thing that happened was that I finally donated 11" of my hair to Locks of Love!! Here are the before and after pictures my mom took the day I got it cut :)



So far March has been a very good month! I got placed into an apartment for next year so I officially have a home for next year :) and it is going to be newly renovated!! Spring break was this past week.. Scott got to come in the first weekend and spend time with me... he was leaving Sunday, the day my mom was coming in to spend a few days with me.... Long story short.... I GOT ENGAGED :D!!!! It was a complete surprise and I'm so excited to start planning a wedding for us and even more excited to spend the rest of my life with Scott!! I'm also very happy that my mom got to be here to be apart of it and that my bible study leader Anna and her husband Eric (scott's former bible study leader) were involved as well!! Below are just a couple of pictures.... I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on everything going on and am so grateful for all the love and support!

Scott and Anna staked out behind the pillars waiting for my mom and I to come out of Barnes & Noble...

Down on one knee, mom filming on her iPhone... of course I said yes! :)

Scott must have been talking... haha... yay I'm so excited and am so blessed :)

Well I think that is all for now... it is the first day of Spring yet it is SNOWING in Norman.... I'm looking forward to this semester to be over and summer to be here!! I can't promise I'll post again soon but I'll try :)
