Two posts in one week... this is a new record for me :)
ANYWAYS.... so yes she is such an inspiration to me on so many levels and lately I've been in a "nesting mood" as my mom would call it... I'm getting my first apartment in May and want to decorate it really cute (it will give me some practice for when Scott and I have a place together :) hehe) and I've been looking online at places like Target and Ikea (a.k.a. furniture Heaven) as well as online at craigs list. Another inspiring thing about lil miss Anna is that almost all of her furniture in her house is off of craigs list!! AND it's not ugly!!! I seriously don't know where she is finding all of these super amazing deals at because everything I find is scary.... BUT I believe I have struck a creative gold mine that she has and I seem to lack when it comes to craigs list... for example look at this wing back chair (it is a part of a duo for $75 total) the other one is in a little worse condition but still not terrible...

I just think this is the cutest chair every... haha am I crazy? (probably) anyways if I were crafty like Anna and could make slipcovers/ know how the reupholster furniture this would be such a cool chair to do... I got online to look up some images of wing backs and here is some of the stuff I like...

So yes hopefully this summer when I stay in Norman I can get some tips from Anna and maybe one day I'll have the luck she does when it comes to furniture, clothes, and being awesome :)
Until next time,
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