I really am horrible at keeping up with this blog.. I wish I could be better at writing but my life just doesn't seem that interesting....
So a quick recap of the past few months....
I spent Christmas break at home in Houston with my family and Scott and it was a really good break :) I spent a ton of time with my sister and nephew Jack.. here is a picture of him from when we took him to the zoo... he's gotten so much bigger since this picture was taken- I'm sad that I don't get to see him that much.
I came back to Norman in January for part of RA training and then went on ski trip with College Life! It was a great week with old friends and new ones skiing and hanging out! Here is a picture of myself and Laura taking a break from "shredin pow" (term credit to Jeremy!) I'm so glad I got the chance to go and spend some time in the mountains :)

February was pretty calm... the biggest thing that happened was that I finally donated 11" of my hair to Locks of Love!! Here are the before and after pictures my mom took the day I got it cut :)


So far March has been a very good month! I got placed into an apartment for next year so I officially have a home for next year :) and it is going to be newly renovated!! Spring break was this past week.. Scott got to come in the first weekend and spend time with me... he was leaving Sunday, the day my mom was coming in to spend a few days with me.... Long story short.... I GOT ENGAGED :D!!!! It was a complete surprise and I'm so excited to start planning a wedding for us and even more excited to spend the rest of my life with Scott!! I'm also very happy that my mom got to be here to be apart of it and that my bible study leader Anna and her husband Eric (scott's former bible study leader) were involved as well!! Below are just a couple of pictures.... I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on everything going on and am so grateful for all the love and support!
Scott and Anna staked out behind the pillars waiting for my mom and I to come out of Barnes & Noble...
Down on one knee, mom filming on her iPhone... of course I said yes! :)
Scott must have been talking... haha... yay I'm so excited and am so blessed :)
Congratulations to you both! :)