My Maid of Honor hands down had to be my sister Laura. Which okay got to be honest a year ago if you asked if my sister was going to be my MOH I would have probably laughed at you. Since her getting pregnant with Jack we have just grown so very close.. it's kinda odd but awesome at the same time!! She is super creative and has tons of connections and is going to be super helpful so I knew that she had to have the role of maid of honor!
My first bridesmaid is my super inspiring bible study Anna! She is such a light to me and has been there for me for the past 2 years through school struggles, RA drama, and my relationship with Scott!! I was so thrilled that she got to be apart of my engagement and is now apart of my bridal party! I'm excited for this summer when we get to hang out all the time!
My second bridesmaid is my dearest college friend Courtney! We are in the same bible study and are always together in the art building! Courtney has been a great friend and a great listener for me over the past two years and has been such a joy to be around when things were tough! I'm also excited that I get to spend this summer hanging out with her!!
My last but NOT LEAST bridesmaid is my longest time best friend ever Kristen!! Seriously the fact that Kristen and I can still call each other friends let alone best friends is pretty astonishing! We met in 6th grade and were friends through high school even though we went to different schools as well as college where we live in different states! I have some of the fondest memories with her and cannot wait spending more quality time with her in the upcoming year!!
Well there ya have it folks my wedding party! Scott is still working on his and hopefully will have all four picked soon! I know God has put each of these people in my life and in scott's life to help mold us into the people we are and will become! I'm so very thankful and blessed to know each of these ladies as well as I do and I truly appreciate all that they do!!
Till next time (which will probably be late next week because I have a TON of school work ahead of me),