Monday, December 13, 2010


thanks to Taylor Harwell I have found my new favorite house blog!! Three words. Young-House-Love!!! Experience the amazing DIY awesomeness here

Glad my semester is over it has been a rough one.. Only one semester to go and then I GRADUATE!!!!

Until next time.. which I promise I will try to update on a regular basis again :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Seat Charts

So I've been looking at several different seating chart "methods" lately on my wedding blogs and I think this is the direction I'm wanting to go in... I'm not sure yet how many tables we are going to need and I'm sure once we know that it will give me a better idea as to how I want to display seating cards.. Here is what I've got..

until next time!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Last enrollment

well I was supposed to enroll today at 5:50 for the LAST TIME EVER but there is some glitch in the system for photo students (none of our flags have been raised for advising!!?) But regardless it is crazy that I only have one semester left! I'm so thankful that I also only have 12 hours for my final semester!

My classes are going to be: Photo Capstone, Advance Photo Practices (not even the prof knows what that is going to entail yet...), Video for Artist 2, and wait for it... Acting for the Camera (bahaha- I've heard it is a really easy class and I get to count it for media so why not)

So hopefully tomorrow I can figure out why I can't enroll and actually get into these classes soon! Wait a second I guess this means I have to figure out what I want to do after I graduate now huh... eek!

Until next time!

Friday, October 15, 2010


So I just discovered this website called Wedzu... its basically etsy but just for weddings!! Uh-oh I'm going to get in trouble with this one :) Unfortunately everything seems to be really pricey but it is a great source for inspiration and ideas!! Check it out! I just love all things wedding don't you :)

Until next time..

Thursday, October 14, 2010

All shook up!

So yesterday was a very exciting day for Norman, Oklahoma! We had a 5.1 magnitude EARTHQUAKE hit at around 9 AM!!!

I have always and i mean always wanted to be in an earthquake.. because well- because I'm weird like that and I think natural phenomenons are cool :) It has been so interesting hearing everyone's story of where they were when it hit and what they initially thought it was. Some people thought it was a bomb or an explosion.. others thought someone had hit their car while stopped at a light.. and the silliest I've heard was a girl thinking a football player nearby had fallen over!

I was in the basement of the Art building waiting for a class to start when the earthquake hit. Myself and a guy in my class both just looked at each other and asked if the other felt that. OF COURSE WE FELT IT THE EARTH MOVED!! (sorry for screaming- I'm just really pumped about this! haha) The museum next door is being remodeled so since I had no idea what an earthquake felt like I immediately thought that something collapsed next door- we even heard the elevator banging around in the elevator shaft! Luckily though there was no damage anywhere on campus (besides Dale Hall apparently?) and no one was injured.

When I got home last night from being gone all day I found my favorite penguin ornament I got in HS on the ground broken.. immediately I blamed Loki so I went up to him and smacked him only to remember exactly then that we had an earthquake earlier (how could I forget!) and there was no way for loki to have knocked it off the shelf.. oops :) I gave him some hugs and kisses and said sorry but he still bit me later..

So yes I think I might have been one of the only people yesterday that was super excited for the earthquake because that is something that has been on my bucket list since I was in grade school!

Until next time...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

work outs paying off

Okay so this summer myself and two dear friends, Alex and Courtney, started working out. It has been basically 3 months since we started our semi-regular routine and I'm starting to see some AMAZING results! The first thing I noticed was my arm muscles were getting more defined and less.. flabby. Then I noticed my stomach was starting to flatten out and my abs were getting more defined.. But today I feel like I've seen the most results yet! I weighed myself- just for fun today- I rarely weigh myself so don't worry its not something I'm focused on at all. after all its only a number! Anyways so I got on the scale and it says I've lost 5 POUNDS! holy moly that made my day! Then I got ready this morning and my jeans that are normally really tight around the thighs and waist fit! They are actually a little too big around the waist!

Needless to say working out REALLY DOES WORK!! haha go figure! We do a simple twice weekly work out with 10-20 minutes of cardio followed usually by about 300 total crunches (OUCH) and then we alternate between focusing on arms or legs. Only 45-60 minutes total of working out. No fad dieting either- actually I've hardly changed my diet at all- added a bit more protein because I lacked it anyways and you need protein after working out. But I still enjoy my daily sweets and I'm not afraid to get fast food or mexican whenever I crave it.

I'd like to give a big shout out to Alex for being our "trainer" throughout all of this and thank her for all of her dedication and hard work she puts into giving us a good quality work out- I never don't feel sore after one of her workouts!

So if you're trying to slim down or jump start your new years resolution to get in shape I highly suggest getting together with your friends and working out together. You don't need to spend money on a personal trainer just research online some simple workout routines. I always hate going to the gym by myself because I'm not motivated, but when I know that a group of girls is waiting for me at the gym I don't want to let them down and heck once I'm there I might as well work out right!?

Until next time..

Friday, October 1, 2010


this is EXACTLY what I'm wanting for my wedding table flowers!!! this picture makes me so happy! :)

until next time!

Monday, September 27, 2010

In honor of

cold weather- here is an adorable scarf from Anthropologie that would go perfect with a plain tee and jeans in this AMAZING fall weather we're having! I love fall weather the most for lovely scarves like this one :)

what is your favorite part of fall?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Little Vintage Hearts

love this 3D hearts frame from Etst shop Sarah & Bendrix

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mark Klett

Okay so I've been really bad about blogging ever since school has started- I have no excuses either because every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday I sit at work in the Library for at least 3 hours with nothing to do... but I don't have much time left at work today for a good solid post so instead I'll just leave you with this amazing photograph by Mark Klett. He came and lectured at OU two weeks ago and currently I'm in love with this photograph of his- it is my desktop background at work :)

It's called Descending into the Canyon and is just breath taking! Makes me want to go to the Grand Canyon right this minute! If you want to see more of his work you can click here

Until next time (which I PROMISE will be soon)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sticker "wallpaper"

I thought this was pretty interesting.

At first glance it looks like a delicate patterned wallpaper but as it zooms in it is actually just everyday tacky (in my opinion) scrapbook stickers!! Makes you think twice about what can be art! Check out Apartment Therapy here for this article and more fun apartment/ house decorating ideas!

Almost done with my last first week of SENIOR YEAR!! I'll be posting soon my thoughts of my classes and everything I've got going on :)

Until next time..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Maps Maps Maps

Well I'm at work right now- boss is out for the day and I've finished all of my work so I did what anyone would do.. got on Etsy :)

I love the "live feed" scroll at the bottom of Etsy that has the most recent products.. that's usually where I start when I'm looking..

Today this pretty shop came up a few times and this first print is what got my attention..

New Orleans

it reminds me of an assignment I had to do for my foundations class in art school.. but WAY COOLER!

Here are a few other lovelies I found and would love to have hanging on a wall!

San Fran

Singapore -- $800 for this one! eek!


It's too bad they don't make custom ones or else it would be fun getting an areal view of your own town or neighborhood!

Until next time!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stop Motion Madness!

Just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm OBSESSED with stop motion animated videos! The creative possibilities are ENDLESS! I have a few ideas of my own of ones I want to create! Here are some of my favorites I've seen so far...

On average I've read that it takes 10 still frame photographs to create ONE SECOND of animated film!! I'm taking a video for artists class this semester and hope I'll be able to incorporate my major- photography- and make one of these kind of videos! LOVE

Until next time..

Monday, August 9, 2010

Growing Pains

One thing I remember vividly from my childhood growing up was having horrible growing pains… the kind that would wake me up out of a dead sleep and keep me up for hours as I tossed and turned in bed. If you don’t know what I’m talking about and have never experienced said thing- consider yourself lucky!

Now that I’ve matured and stopped growing (hopefully- knock on wood) the pains in my legs aren’t a problem anymore but yet I seem to still be going through “growing pains” but of a different variety. Emotional growing pains. Spiritual growing pains.. Those of which I think to myself everyone must go through at some point right? Am I crazy?

My first experience with these new “adult” pains was August 17, 2005. The day my world was rocked and flipped completely upside down. The day my dad past away. I was 16. A junior in high school. Really still just a kid (even if at the time I thought otherwise). I felt as though God was throwing me into a storm that I would never survive. But I did. With his help alone I survived. Psalm 40:2 was the verse I randomly opened my bible too on that loooooong drive to Corpus Christi (my dad was taken to the hospital there after his accident) I repeated it to myself over and over MAKING myself believe it to be true.. The verse reads “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” I have that verse memorized and go to it many times during the year. If I had to choose a favorite verse this is a top contender for sure. I was in a slimy pit with what seemed to be no hope of getting out. But God rescued me. He saved me. He protected me. When I felt too weak to stand he gave me faith and strength to make it through- taking each day… each hour… each step one at a time. I made it through those growing pains and I am a much different person today because of them.

I have no one to thank but the love of God getting me through that time. I managed to escape high school still intact and was blessed to be headed off to college at OU. If you asked me why I was going to OU I would tell you I had no idea. And I still don’t know exactly why I picked OU- another gift from God for sure. The campus was pretty and I knew a few people, which was all it took. It wasn’t an easy adjustment though to say the least. I hated college the whole first semester. More “adult” growing pains I had to experience which are not uncommon by any means. Luckily I found a few new friends that made the rest of my first year bearable. I’m sad to say I don’t remember turning to God much during this time. I know the people he put in my life helped me through and I came back excited for OU and college my sophomore year…

I can’t say I experienced many “growing pains” between my sophomore and junior year… minor blimps that now looking back weren’t anything major. This was actual a very joyous period for me. I found a great church and some amazing girls that I share a bible study with now. I met and fell in love with my soon-to-be husband Scott... Life was looking up for me. It was my rainbow after the flood.

Now as I am about to embark on my senior year of college and am preparing to get married and start my life with Scott I seem to be going through more and more “growing pains”. A lot has happened since my junior year of high school. It has been 5 years (here in a few days) since my dad past away. My sister has had a baby- the most precious boy ever and a blessing for my relationship with her. And my mom is experiencing life in new ways. Where am I in all of this I ask myself? Sure I’m getting married in 9 months and sure I’ll be graduating in the spring but right now where am I? Stuck. In transition with nowhere to turn but to God.

August 2005 was by far the most painful growing pains yes, but these that I am experiencing now are a new and different kind of pain. I still turn to Psalms 40:2 but thanks to a sweet sweet friend I was pointed to Romans 8. All of Romans is amazing. All of Romans 8 is even more amazing. God has put me through a LOT these past 5 years and I’m still standing so I know in my heart he will get me through this as well. Paul writes in Romans 8:18, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” That is so amazing to hear and so encouraging when you think that you’re in the worst situation possible. Again Paul write in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” These pains I’m feeling are nothing that God has not planned and is not aware of. He hears my crys and he knows my pain. I can’t help but turn to Him and rely solely on his love and comfort.

These pains too will pass. Just as I was able to eventually fall asleep when I was a child. I will again be able to sleep with the comfort that God is all knowing and all-powerful and would never leave me or forsake me.

Until next time

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Operation Beautiful

I watched The Today show this morning because the FABULOUS Pioneer Woman was on and one of the bits before hers was this girl who has started "Operation Beautiful".

It is such an amazing thing seeing girls encouraging other girls for once instead of putting them down! Check out "Operation Beautiful" here -> and watch the video below of some of the great things girls have been saying!

I'm headed to Austin for Scott's birthday this weekend then a week in Houston with my family...

Until next time!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

soothing colors

sooo I got tired of the old background pretty fast... I decided I'd make my own header which prompted me to pick this new layout.. reminds me of a spa..

hope everyone is having a good weekend.. I've gotten a lot of stuff done finally and I got to sleep in which is always nice :)

Until next time..

Thursday, July 22, 2010

1/2 an inch a month..

I want long hair again.

And curly hair.

Not Shirley Temple curly... (even though I used to want to be her when I was little)

but loose beach curly! (and no I don't want to be like Miley Cyrus)

Too bad hair only grows ~6 inches a year...

I'm thinking long hair and getting a loose body wave- which gives you the loose beachy curl!

Whatcha think?

Until next time..

Thursday, July 15, 2010

turn my sad to glad...

So I'm in a bit of a foul mood this afternoon.. just one of those days it seems. So what do I do when I want to cheer up you ask? Look at blogs of course! Here are a few lovely photos that are cheering me up and the new blogs I've discovered along the way :)

happy flowers :)

awesome fireplace :)

cute drink idea!

yummmm :)

talk about statement light!


sweet :)

DIY Milk Glass :)

that about sums it up :)

And here are the awesome blogs I've added to my folder of cheer :)

Well that was fun. I feel a little better now.

Until next time

Thursday, July 8, 2010

No motivation!!

Wow I have not been motivated at ALL this week to write on my blog...

I've been getting used to my new "routine" that will be changing again soon..

I started my summer school class and so far have enjoyed it. It's the Collection of Decorative Art which is a pretty broad title...

I'm still working at the library and have decided that I'm going to keep the job throughout the school year because there is actually a lot of down time that I can use for studying.

Loki, my "lovely" kitten turning in to a very large pill! I understand he is still a kitten but I have never had such a ruthless stubborn cat before. I punish him for doing bad things but he continues to do them so I decided to give the water bottle spray method a try. The cat LIKES being sprayed with water. He will do things on purpose that he knows are wrong just to be sprayed! He even likes to be sprayed directly in the mouth! So what I've been told is to add vinegar to the water because he wont like the taste.. so far it seems to be working.. he tried licking it once but the taste of it apparently wasn't very nice.. I mean have you ever tried drinking vinegar... but now instead of cleaning himself he just leaves the vinegary water on him and goes and rub up on something getting the vinegar everywhere.. sooo do I want my apartment smelling like vinegar just to have a potentially well behaved cat..?

I am going to Houston this weekend to go to the Bridal Extravaganza Show... I'm looking forward to it mainly for the decoration ideas because we've taken care of all of the big ticket vendors already. I've always wanted to go to one of these and now have a reason to :) Also we're putting together Save the Dates and mailing them out which I'm super happy about!!

Well I don't feel like there is anything else...

Until next time

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fourth of July

I love 4th of July! I know it's in 2 days but I'm going to be super busy this weekend so I decided I'd post about my love for the holiday earlier rather than later!

I love cookouts.
I love firework shows- professional ones that you can sit in a lawn chair and enjoy.
I love a weekend with friends and a reason to get together.
I love hotdogs and hamburgers- which you have to eat at a cookout!
I love spending the day at the pool!
I love getting tan from being in the sun- which I won't be doing this year because I've gotten burnt twice this week :(
I love summer berries which are quintessential 4th of July foods.
Oh and I love America! :)

If you have a love of 4th of July too or want a dessert idea for a cookout you're going to or craft idea for decorations check out these photos taken from She has tons of crafts and recipes for all days of the year because well she's- Martha Stewart!

I just love how patriotic all of these desserts and crafts are! Some of the crafts actually can be altered for any time of the year! I love the star lemonade glass! It is a dotism red and blue motif that can be made in any shape or color you would want!

Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend celebrating our country!

Until next time!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New Layout...

So I decided I'd change things up a bit and put a new layout up... not sure if it is staying or not but we'll see :)

Nothing has really been going on lately...

My lovely little kitten Loki has been taking his anger out on me a lot lately.. he has drawn blood a couple of times- I need to get a squirt bottle with water because apparently that helps with misbehaving cats... This is my first cat I've ever had that has had aggression issues...

I start summer school next week which means summer is half over :( I've been having a great summer so far spending time with Courtney and Alex as often as we can :)

We'll I don't have much else going on...

Until next time!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Victorian Cottage




Here is the article that I saw this at that has lots of other lovely photos of this cottage and a few others! Photo credit to New York Times!

Good news- biopsy came back fine! And my good friend Katie got engaged to her boyfriend Andrew tonight! Yaay! :)

Until next time...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cheerful Yellow Centerpiece!

Style Me Pretty

ummm yes please!

I would LOVE having this be my floral arrangement for the wedding!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Successful Week

Well I'm finally back in Norman after a great week in Houston!

I ended up with more doctor visits then I expected.. had to get blood taken and biopsy done but hopefully everything is going to be clear and fine!

Wedding planning was in full swing and I'm so excited for everything we got done in a week! I rather be over prepared and early then racing around at the last minute!

Friday was a great day after the doctors appointment because I went and tried on wedding dresses!! Because of past shopping trips for dresses for different dances and whatnot I knew I'd be the bride that only needed to try on a handful of dresses before finding "the one"... and I was right! Dress #3 became "the one"!! I went in with an open mind and just some basic ideas of what I wanted in a dress... now to wait a year to get to wear it and walk down the aisle to Scott :)

After dresses was cake testing! Of course like everything else we were able to design and sign a contract for the cake- what can I say I do all of my research before and I know what I like- I'm a pretty easy shopper :)

Now I get to sit back and relax for a while before the next tasks on my wedding to do list need to get done. Maybe I should do this for a living?!

The rest of my trip was pretty relaxing. I got to spend time with my sister and Jack who is growing up way too fast! I got to spend some time with Scott which is always great! And my uncle and cousin came into town and I got to see them!

Now it's back to my Norman life...

Until next time!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

If I weren't doing yellow and grey...

...I'd be doing purple for sure!!

I have always fought my mother about liking the color purple. She always told me how good I looked in it thus why I think I hated it so much. But this photo taken from Style Me Pretty is just fabulous!!! Forget the bride and groom look at that wisteria growing on that building! B-E-A-UTIFUL! Oh well I'm very much in love with my grey and yellow color scheme :)

On a bad note my doctor appointment took 2 hours today! And I have to go back tomorrow for some tests :(

On a happy note we just booked the DJ! And I'm going dress shopping tomorrow afternoon and cake testing tomorrow evening!! :)

Until next time!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

week of appointments!

Well I'm in Houston this week for all sorts of appointments!

Monday I had a doctors appointment- which I found out I have to go back for another appointment Thursday morning... We also had an appointment with a wedding photographer! Which we booked! Yay it was so much fun! Rebecca-Linh Rodgers is her name and I'm soo excited to work with her! It's awesome when you do all of your research before going into a meeting and knowing exactly what you want and then meeting the person and "meshing" so well with them!

Tuesday I had another doctor appointment and unexpectedly had to get blood taken! AH I loath getting my blood taken! I mean really who actually ENJOYS having someone poke them with a needle?!! Yeah I don't see too many people raising their hands for that one. I salute the people who enjoy donating blood/ plasma- I would love to do it minus my previously stated hatred for needles and having blood taken. It's not so much the "pain" of having it taken but more so being able to feel the blood being taken out (am I crazy- or can other people feel it to?!) and I must have really tiny veins that seem to roll (or so nurses tell me...) thus I always bruise... sometimes not very much but this time it was BAD! I have a feeling this negative feeling for blood work must come from a deep phycological place in me from when I was being prepped for open heart surgery when I was a baby. My mom has journal entries of seeing me after being poked multiple times by nurses just to get enough blood taken and being so swollen she couldn't recognize me! But that is a whole different story...

So yes after coming home Tuesday from the dreaded doctor my mom and I went and met with a videographer! Its so crazy all the options brides have now for wedding vendors! If one doesn't watch out they could spend their whole life savings doing this! Luckily I'm money savvy (Scott would disagree) and I like to do research- lots and lots of research and I find some pretty good deals! It also helps having a sister who has so many connections! Also doing a lot of stuff DIY is helping on the budget! So anyways back to the videographer- Grasshopper Productions is what they are called and you guessed it- we booked them too! Haha like I said before I just love when you can go in knowing what you want and feel comfortable with the people when you meet them! It truly makes things so much easier- I'm considering going into wedding planning it is so much fun :)

Today (Wednesday) I didn't have any appointments however I did take my car into the dealership to get a new door handle put on. Yeah you read that correctly. Door. Handle. It broke off the other day!! The interior driver's side... I was just getting out of my car like normal on the phone with Scott and it broke off- just a hunk of plastic coated in silver paint is all it is... makes getting out of my car a difficult task now so it needed to get fixed! Luckily I'll have my car back by Saturday with new oil and a new door handle- maybe they will wash/ vacuum it out too?!

The rest of the week is full of more appointments and fun activities! Tomorrow (Thursday) I have a doctors appointment in the morning and then my mom and I are meeting with a DJ (most likely booking since thats the way the rest of these appointments have gone!)... Friday- what I informally like to call day-o-fun my mom has a dentist appointment in the morning and then we're going to go try on dresses!! haha I'm a little excited... and then we're meeting my sister and going to a cake testing! I'm bummed that Scott can't make it to the cake testing because of work.. I told him we would make an appointment to go back for him to pick out a grooms cake though and he can try the cakes then :) Scott also is coming into Houston Friday night for the weekend and that is always exciting! I will be back later this week to let you know how the rest of the trip to Houston went!

Until next time!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fire Power!

Whoa two posts in one week- thats unheard of! :)

Okay so I love fireplaces. Kinda odd since I was just complaining about it being so hot the other day that I would be talking about fireplaces- a totally useless thing in the summer time- today.

Well judge me all you want. I still love fireplaces :) Actually my apartment has a fireplace that I can't wait to use once it starts getting cold.. in like 5 months... It's a wood burning fireplace which I've never had and am kinda nervous about, I better get a fire extinguisher just to be safe!

Anyways. The whole point of me telling you that I like fireplaces is that I found this awesome fireplace (really it is the surround that makes it awesome) while looking for a fireplace screen/gate.

Why am I looking for a fireplace screen you ask.. well Loki my love ball of a demon cat has discovered the fireplace and enjoys very much getting INSIDE the fireplace and then tracking soot all over the apartment- I can see little white paw prints everywhere on my wood floors!

So the reasons I love this fireplace surround include
1. White- classic and simplistic
2. Stone- rustic but still modern
3. Floor to Ceiling- dramatic and eye catching!

mm I can't wait to have a house and had/ build a fireplace like this someday.. our fireplace at my mom's house was once this super ugly little tile surround that just looked awkward. My dad the handyman he was tore it out and built a floor to ceiling brick surround. It really is beautiful!

Well until next time- which will probably be next week (I'm going to be doing LOTS of wedding stuff!!)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Its getting hot hot HOT!

boy oh boy I can't believe that it was only 2 months ago that it was snowing during spring break!! Oklahoma has the strangest weather patterns ever! At least Houston is pretty constant- humid, muggy, and hot. Even in the "winter" Houston never got colder than mid 50s during the day (and we all acted like it was the arctic! ha!) Oh how I miss thee Houston, Texas!!

I for one do not enjoy wearing shorts for self conscious reasons and because from the age of 10 to 18 I was never allowed to wear shorts to school so I'm just so used to wearing jeans to class but ever now and then (like today) I get so hot and can't bear being in jeans another second!

So with that said I'm in search for cute summer jean alternatives and here are some of my favorites....

Urban Outfitters

OK I know what you're thinking... "overalls Sarah really!!?" haha I probably would never wear them but who knows they might be cute!

Banana Republic

I love the length of these shorts! They are something I'm sure I'd feel comfortable wearing!

Banana Republic

Again I like the length of these... plus the rolled denim is cute! Way to go BR for having cute shorts!

Urban Outfitters

Ummm can you say precious! They have it in white and navy too.. great 4th of July skirt in any of the colors!

Urban Outfitters

I love grey :)....

J. Crew

... and dark denim!

J. Crew

Sassy!! not really an "everyday" skirt but would be super cute for a night out or for business attire

Ann Taylor Loft

love high neck lines. love little black dresses. love Ann Taylor Loft

Ann Taylor Loft

I think the belt makes this outfit work... hah

Urban Outfitters

same with this one but the print is super cute alone too!
Urban Outfitters

love the loose fit and ruffles

J. Crew

you can never go wrong with a white dress in the summertime!

Banana Republic

why not have two! :)

Banana Republic

ahhh t-shirt dresses!


super girlie and springy!


grey and yellow is kinda my obsession colors right now (wedding colors) I like that the yellow is just an accent on this dress because well not everyone looks great in yellow (including myself) but it is just such a cheerful color who can resist!?

Ahhh well now that I've gotten that all out I've remembered I'm a poor college student with no money for new clothes so my jeans and shorts I do have will just have to do... sigh... oh well I'll survive!

Until next time!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

a new routine...

I love how summer makes one change their schedule. I will truly miss having a summer vacation after I graduate (sad to think this is my last summer vacation!) Maybe I'll become a teacher just for the benefits of a summer vacation!! :)

Anyways... this summer is far different then I have had before. I've done summer school many times while in college but this is the first summer the classes are actually in the classroom and not just online. Thus I'm living in Norman for the summer... My schedule isn't completely set in stone but thus far this is what I've got for a normal weekday...

I wake up bright and early at 7 AM (this is if Loki lets me- lately it's been 4 or 5 AM)
..I get ready for the day and do a few chores like cleaning the litter box.. feeding Loki.. and putting dishes in the dishwasher that I just was too tired to clean the night before (it's better than not cleaning them at all!)
... I work from 830-930 at the Bizzell Library and then head over to class at 9:30..
.. I'm in class from 10-2:20 and then have to head back over to the Library for another two hours of work.
Finally at 4 I get to go home and lately have been too tired to unpack or do really anything.. I lay around the apartment and enjoy "summer vacation" and go to bed early to start the whole day over again....

But like I said this summer is very different than others I've had in the past... most summers its the exact same routine for 3 months.. not this time. After the end of this week I will have a whole month of no class but will probably take on more hours at work (or hopefully get the second job that I really wanted in the first place at my apartment complex..) So my schedule will be completely different again for a few weeks. Once in July my schedule will change AGAIN when I start my second summer school class that will last until right before school starts in August.

So much for summer vacation and sleeping till noon and staying up until 2- doing nothing but laying out in the sun and watching tv.. guess I am growing up- when can I go back to grade school!!?

Thats all for now- sorry for being absent lately I never feel like I have something to say...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Oklahoma Weather...

Well so my birthday ended up not going exactly the way I had planed for it to... Monday we had bad weather and it continued to get worse throughout the day... long story short by day break Tuesday 42 tornadoes had hit Oklahoma and Kansas. I for one am afraid of tornadoes so it was not the greatest of birthday surprises and I had to cancel my birthday dinner and reschedule it. Tuesday was still crummy weather but it stayed nice enough for me to go to BJs for dinner with some friends (mother nature knew better to mess with me twice). All and all I had a pretty good birthday- and my mom and Scott are coming in today to move me into my apartment and we'll get to celebrate again! :)

Today I "officially" move into my apartment... last night myself Lauren G and Courtney moved my dining room table into my apartment. I bought it from the all so fabulous Anna! Thank goodness it fits! Its going to be a tight squeeze but it will be fine nonetheless! Hopefully the stupid nasty rain will stop long enough to get my furniture into my apartment today at 4!

I'm ready for some sunshine and warm weather (I woke up yesterday and it was 45 degrees!!) I thought it was April SHOWERS bring May FLOWERS.... guess its May Rain brings... something in June?!

Thats all for now... I gotta get back to packing and loading my car and checking out residents...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!

Yay today is May 10th which means it's my birthday!!!!

I woke up at 6 and couldn't go back to sleep but stayed in bed till 7:30... Traci came into town last night and is spending the next two days with me which is always exciting!!

This morning was my Art History final which I studied for all weekend and felt REALLY great about! If i get a 100 (or better- she gave 6 bonus points) I will get an A in the class!!!

So the plan for today- Traci and I are planning on going to The Mont for lunch! I love their food and the atmosphere is awesome!!

photo credit The Mont

Then we're going to probably go to TJ Maxx and then go move into my apartment!!! :) Tonight I'm having a dinner at BJ's Restaurant with friends and eat the amazing pizzokie!!

So being that I am 21 I feel like I should talk about drinking.... I don't feel like I'm going to be a big drinker- I haven't been a party-goer and getting drunk just doesn't sound entertaining.. plus i have a HUGE phobia of throwing up! So anyways since I love photography I'll talk about how amazed I am by the "splashing drink" photos that restaurants put in their menus....

Photo Credit Flickr

I love the crooked glass and how the liquid is just frozen in time!

Photo Credit Flickr

The colors on this one are super pretty too!!

Well that's all for now- for everyone who's legal here is a cute little poster for you :)

Photo Credit Flickr